[Séminaire] Paleolithic sites in Kazakhstan: research questions and prospects

Pour la prochaine séance des séminaires de recherches de Tautavel, le laboratoire d'Histoire naturelle de l'homme préhistorique (HNHP) de l'UPVD abordera les sites paléolithiques du Kazakhstan.

  • Le 28 janv.
Mardi 28 janvier 2025 à 17h
Salle de cours, antenne UPVD de Tautavel

Lien zoom : https://upvd.zoom.us/my/sophie.gregoire?pwd=Q25KU0loNlBVekxZeU9CVGNVdUZEZz09

Intervenante : Rimma AMINOVA, Junior Researcher at the Margulan Institute of Archaeology of Almaty, Kazakhstan

Résumé : The territory of Kazakhstan is characterised by unique climatic conditions, marked by sharp continentality and heightened aridity. Under such circumstances, the majority of archaeological sites lithic artefacts scattered on the surface, with no cultural layer preserved beneath sterile strata. As a result, the discovery of stratified sites in Kazakhstan is considered a rare and valuable event for researchers. Recently, stratified Upper Palaeolithic sites have been discovered in southern Kazakhstan. Our studies of these sites provide reliable insights into the palaeoenvironment of the region, the specific features of subsistence activities based on lithic industries, and identifies further research opportunities.

Séminaire Tautavel

Mise à jour le 20 janvier 2025